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refugee camp artinya

contoh kalimat "refugee camp"
  • Is this a National camp or a refugee camp?
    Apakah ini kamp pelatihan atau kamp pengungsi?
  • Yes, he's in Jammu, in a refugee camp.
    Ya, dia sedang di Jammu, Di kamp pengungsi.
  • She lived in the Am'ari Refugee Camp in Ramallah.
    Ia tinggal di Kamp Pengungsian Am'ari, Ramallah.
  • Bishop delivered a consignment of medical supplies to the refugee camp.
    Bishop membantu persediaan obat-obatan.
  • We were stuck in the refugee camp like prisoners.
    Kami terjebak di pengungsian seperti tahanan.
  • You will go to the Deressa refugee camp.
    Kau akan pergi Ke kamp pengungsi Deressa.
  • I just suspected they were from the refugee camp.
    Saya kira mereka dari perkemahan pengungsi.
  • It has been dubbed the worst refugee camp in Europe.
    Calais dijuluki sebagai penampungan pengungsi terburuk di Eropa.
  • My house is a refugee camp, and my wife has disappeared.
    Rumahku jadi penampungan pengungsi, dan isteriku menghilang.
  • I met your grandfather in a refugee camp.
    Aku bertemu kakekmu di kamp pengungsi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs
    Sinonim: camp,